
564 lines
29 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# Maintainer: RubenKelevra
# Contributor: jprt
# Contributor: Zepman <>
# Contributor: Michael Lass <>
# Contributor: Doug Newgard <scimmia at archlinux dot info>
# Contributor: reflexing <>
# -------------------
# Please note that the usage of Microsoft fonts outside the Windows system is prohibited
# by EULA (although in certain countries, EULA is invalid).
# Please consult the Microsoft license before using fonts.
# This PKGBUILD attempts to download fonts directly from Microsoft, by retrieving
# selective parts of the Windows 10 Enterprise 90-day evaluation edition. This only works
# if the user is allowed to mount filesystems through udisks2. This is determined by
# Polkit, which by default only allows users to do this when they are logged in locally
# (e.g., not through SSH).
# If it is possible to download fonts directly, around 200 MB of data will be downloaded.
# Downloading the fonts this way can take 820 minutes, even on a fast connection. Be
# patient. Note that for this method, it is necessary to mount an HTTP source and an ISO
# file as a loop device using FUSE. If the build fails, it might be that these must be
# unmounted manually. If you rerun the build, this cleanup is done automatically.
# To clean up manually run:
# $ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
# $ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0
# $ fusermount -uz src/mnt/http
# Replace /dev/loop0 with the relevant loop device, which is reported during
# package build.
# For the download, HTTP is used instead of HTTPS because httpfs2 does not support modern
# TLS versions. A file integrity check is performed after the download. Due to the
# unconventional way that the data is downloaded, the verification is done in prepare().
# If fonts cannot be downloaded directly, the ISO fill will be fully downloaded. Due to
# that install.wim will be extracted from the ISO, it is assumed that twice its size
# (almost 8 GiB) is necessary as temporary disk space. A free disk space check is
# performed before the ISO is downloaded.
# Please ignore any 'ln' errors when building this package. This is expected behavior.
# If, for some reason, you want to download the full ISO file, please visit:
# This package is based on ttf-ms-win10. Use that package if font files from a local
# source need to be used.
# ttf-ms-win10 is considered to be upstream for this package, which is why its
# maintainers and contributors are added as contributors to this package.
# Without their effort, this package would not exist or be updated.
provides=(ttf-font ttf-ms-win10)
conflicts=(ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win11-auto ttf-ms-win11)
makedepends=(udisks2 p7zip httpfs2-2gbplus wget udftools util-linux)
# URL of ISO file from which to extract the fonts.
# Must be HTTP due to limitations of httpfs2.
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
arial.ttf arialbd.ttf ariali.ttf arialbi.ttf # Arial
ariblk.ttf # Arial Black
bahnschrift.ttf # Bahnschrift
calibri.ttf calibrib.ttf calibrii.ttf calibriz.ttf # Calibri
calibril.ttf calibrili.ttf # Calibri Light
cambria.ttc cambriab.ttf cambriai.ttf cambriaz.ttf # Cambria
Candara.ttf Candarab.ttf Candarai.ttf Candaraz.ttf # Candara
Candaral.ttf Candarali.ttf # Candara Light
comic.ttf comicbd.ttf comici.ttf comicz.ttf # Comic Sans MS
consola.ttf consolab.ttf consolai.ttf consolaz.ttf # Consolas
constan.ttf constanb.ttf constani.ttf constanz.ttf # Constantia
cour.ttf courbd.ttf couri.ttf courbi.ttf # Courier New
corbel.ttf corbelb.ttf corbeli.ttf corbelz.ttf # Corbel
corbell.ttf corbelli.ttf # Corbel Light
framd.ttf framdit.ttf # Franklin Gothic Medium
Gabriola.ttf # Gabriola
georgia.ttf georgiab.ttf georgiai.ttf georgiaz.ttf # Georgia
#holomdl2.ttf # HoloLens MDL2 Assets
impact.ttf # Impact
Inkfree.ttf # Ink Free
lucon.ttf # Lucida Console
l_10646.ttf # Lucida Sans Unicode
marlett.ttf # Marlett
micross.ttf # Microsoft Sans Serifc
pala.ttf palab.ttf palai.ttf palabi.ttf # Palatino Linotype
segoepr.ttf segoeprb.ttf # Segoe Print
segoesc.ttf segoescb.ttf # Segoe Script
segmdl2.ttf # Segoe MDL2 Assets
segoeui.ttf segoeuib.ttf segoeuii.ttf segoeuiz.ttf # Segoe UI
seguibl.ttf seguibli.ttf # Segoe UI Black
seguiemj.ttf # Segoe UI Emoji
seguihis.ttf # Segoe UI Historic
segoeuil.ttf seguili.ttf # Segoe UI Light
seguisb.ttf seguisbi.ttf # Segoe UI Semibold
segoeuisl.ttf seguisli.ttf # Segoe UI Semilight
seguisym.ttf # Segoe UI Symbol
Sitka.ttc SitkaB.ttc SitkaI.ttc SitkaZ.ttc # Sitka
sylfaen.ttf # Sylfaen
symbol.ttf # Symbol
tahoma.ttf tahomabd.ttf # Tahoma
times.ttf timesbd.ttf timesi.ttf timesbi.ttf # Times New Roman
trebuc.ttf trebucbd.ttf trebucit.ttf trebucbi.ttf # Trebuchet MS
verdana.ttf verdanab.ttf verdanai.ttf verdanaz.ttf # Verdana
webdings.ttf # Webdings
wingding.ttf # Wingdings
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
msgothic.ttc # MS Gothic
YuGothR.ttc YuGothB.ttc # Yu Gothic
YuGothM.ttc # Yu Gothic Medium
YuGothL.ttc # Yu Gothic Light
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
malgun.ttf malgunbd.ttf # Malgun Gothic
malgunsl.ttf # Malgun Gothic Semilight
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
javatext.ttf # Javanese Text
himalaya.ttf # Microsoft Himalaya
ntailu.ttf ntailub.ttf # Microsoft New Tai Lue
phagspa.ttf phagspab.ttf # Microsoft PhagsPa
taile.ttf taileb.ttf # Microsoft Tai Le
msyi.ttf # Microsoft Yi Baiti
monbaiti.ttf # Mongolian Baiti
mmrtext.ttf mmrtextb.ttf # Myanmar Text
Nirmala.ttf NirmalaB.ttf # Nirmala UI
NirmalaS.ttf # Nirmala UI Semilight
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
LeelawUI.ttf LeelaUIb.ttf # Leelawadee UI
LeelUIsl.ttf # Leelawadee UI Semilight
_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn=( # Chinese (Simplified)
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
simsun.ttc # NSimSun
simsunb.ttf # SimSun-ExtB
msyh.ttc msyhbd.ttc # Microsoft YaHei
msyhl.ttc # Microsoft YaHei Light
_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw=( # Chinese (Traditional)
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
msjh.ttc msjhbd.ttc # Microsoft JhengHei
msjhl.ttc # Microsoft JhengHei Light
mingliub.ttc # MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
ebrima.ttf ebrimabd.ttf # Ebrima
gadugi.ttf gadugib.ttf # Gadugi
mvboli.ttf # MV Boli
_totalSource=$(expr \
1 + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_japanese[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_korean[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_sea[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_thai[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_other[@]} + \
sha256sums=($(awk "BEGIN{for(c=0;c<${_totalSource};c++) printf \"SKIP\n\"}"))
prepare() {
echo "- Examininging locally available fonts"
for _font in \
${_ttf_ms_win10[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_japanese[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_korean[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_sea[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_thai[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_other[@]} \
; do
_allFiles+=( $_font )
[ ! -f $_font ] && _missingFonts+=( $_font )
allFiles+=( license.rtf )
if [ ${#_missingFonts[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "- Fonts are missing"
echo -ne "- Mount filesystems as a non-privileged user: "
touch test.mount
udisksctl loop-setup -r -f test.mount --no-user-interaction >/dev/null 2>&1 && _mount=true
rm test.mount
if [ $_mount ]; then
echo "allowed"
echo "- Checking for old loop devices created by by this package"
for loop_device in $(losetup --list | grep "${pkgbase}" | awk '{print $1}')
echo -ne " - deleting '$loop_device'..."
udisksctl loop-delete -b "$loop_device"
echo " done."
for fuse_mount_points in $(cat /etc/mtab | grep "${pkgbase}" | awk '{print $2}')
echo -ne " - unmounting '$fuse_mount_points'..."
fusermount -u "$fuse_mount_points"
echo " done."
echo "- Downloading fonts directly"
mkdir -p mnt/http
echo " - Mounting HTTP file"
httpfs2 -c /dev/null "$_iso" mnt/http
echo " - Creating loop device"
_isoFile="mnt/http/$(echo "$_iso" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}')"
_loopDev=$(udisksctl loop-setup -r -f "${_isoFile}" --no-user-interaction 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $NF}')
_loopDev=$(losetup --list | grep "$_isoFile" | awk '{print $1}')
echo " - Mounting loop device: $_loopDev"
_mountpoint=$(udisksctl mount -t udf -b "$_loopDev" --no-user-interaction | awk '{print $NF}')
echo " - Loop device mounted as ISO at: $_mountpoint"
echo " - Extracting files from online Windows installation image"
7z e "${_mountpoint}/sources/install.wim" \
echo " - Unmounting loop device $_loopDev as ISO at: $_mountpoint"
udisksctl unmount -b "$_loopDev" --no-user-interaction
echo " - Deleting loop devices..."
for loop_device in $(losetup --list | grep "${pkgbase}" | awk '{print $1}')
echo -ne " - deleting '$loop_device'..."
udisksctl loop-delete -b "$loop_device"
echo " done."
echo " - Unmounting HTTP files..."
for fuse_mount_points in $(cat /etc/mtab | grep "${pkgbase}" | awk '{print $2}')
echo -ne " - unmounting '$fuse_mount_points'..."
fusermount -u "$fuse_mount_points"
echo " done."
rmdir -p mnt/http
echo "not allowed"
echo "- Preparing download of full ISO"
echo " - Checking free disk space required for download and extraction"
_freeDiskSpace=$(($(stat -f --format="%a*%S" .)))
_downloadSize=$(curl -sI "$_iso" | grep Content-Length | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r\n')
[ -z $_downloadSize ] && echo -ne "Unable to determine file size of:\n${_iso}\n" && exit 255
if [ $_requiredDiskSpace -gt $_freeDiskSpace ]; then
echo "Not enough free disk space"
echo "Needed: $((${_requiredDiskSpace}/1048576)) MiB"
echo "Available: $((${_freeDiskSpace/1048576)) MiB"
exit 255
echo " - Downloading ISO"
wget --no-verbose -c --tries=20 --waitretry=20 --timeout=60 "$_iso"
echo " - Extracting Windows installation image"
7z x $(echo "$_iso" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}') sources/install.wim
echo " - Extracting files from local Windows installation image"
7z e sources/install.wim \
echo " - Cleaning up temporary files"
rm $(echo "$_iso" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}')
rm -rf sources
echo "- Verifying file integrity"
for _i in ${!_allFiles[@]}; do
echo -ne " - ${_allFiles[$_i]}: "
if [ ! -f ${_allFiles[$_i]} ]; then
echo "MISSING"
elif [ "${_sha256sums[$_i]}" == "SKIP" ]; then
echo "Skipped"
elif [ "${_sha256sums[$_i]}" == "$(sha256sum ${_allFiles[$_i]} | cut -d' ' -f1)" ]; then
echo "Pass"
echo "FAIL"
if [ $_fail ]; then
echo "One or more files fail the integrity check or are missing. Exiting."
exit 255
_package() {
conflicts+=(${pkgname/10/8} ttf-win7-fonts${pkgname##*10})
install -Dm644 $@ -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
install -Dm644 license.rtf -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 TrueType fonts'
provides+=(ttf-tahoma ttf-ms-fonts)
conflicts+=(ttf-tahoma ttf-ms-fonts)
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-japanese() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Japanese TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_japanese[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-korean() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Korean TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_korean[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-sea() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Southeast Asian TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_sea[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-thai() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Thai TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_thai[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-zh_cn() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Simplified Chinese TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-zh_tw() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Traditional Chinese TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-other() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Other TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_other[@]}
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 et