ttf-ms-win10-auto: auto updated to 10.0.19042.789-6
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
# Maintainer: RubenKelevra
# Contributor: Zepman <>
# Contributor: Michael Lass <>
# Contributor: Doug Newgard <scimmia at archlinux dot info>
# Contributor: reflexing <>
# -------------------
# Please note, that usage of Microsoft fonts outside running Windows
# system is prohibited by EULA (although in certain countries EULA is invalid).
# Please consult Microsoft license before using fonts.
# This PKGBUILD attempts to download fonts directly from Microsoft, by
# retrieving selective parts of the Windows 10 Enterprise 90-day evaluation
# edition. This only works if the user is allowed to mount filesystems through
# udisks2. This is determined by Polkit, which by default only allows users to
# do this when they are logged in locally (e.g. not through SSH).
# If it is possible to download fonts directly, around 200 MiB of data will be
# downloaded. Downloading the fonts this way can take 8-20 minutes, even on a
# fast connection. Be patient. Note that for tis method, it is necessary to
# mount an HTTP source and an ISO file as a loop device using FUSE. If the
# build fails, it might be that these must be unmounted manually. This can be
# done with:
# $ udisksctl unmount -b /dev/loop0
# $ udisksctl loop-delete -b /dev/loop0
# $ fusermount -uz src/mnt/http
# Replace /dev/loop0 with the relevant loop device, which is reported during
# package build.
# For the download, HTTP is used instead of HTTPS due to that httpfs2 does not
# support modern TLS versions. A file integrity check is performed after
# download. Due to the unconventional way that the data is downloaded, the
# verification is done in prepare().
# If fonts cannot be downloaded directly, the ISO fill will be fully
# downloaded. Due to that install.wim will be extracted from the ISO, it is
# assumed that twice its size (almost 8 GiB) is necessary as temporary disk
# space. A free disk space check is performed before the ISO is downloaded.
# Please ignore any 'ln' errors when building this package. This is expected
# behavior.
# If for some reason you want to download the full ISO file, please visit:
# This package is based on ttf-ms-win10. Use that package if font files from
# a local source need to be used.
# ttf-ms-win10 is considered to be upstream for this package, which is why its
# maintainers and contributors are added as contributors to this package.
# Without their effort this package would not exist, nor be updated.
provides=(ttf-font ttf-ms-win10)
conflicts=(ttf-vista-fonts ttf-ms-win11-auto ttf-ms-win11)
makedepends=(udisks2 p7zip httpfs2-2gbplus)
# URL of ISO file from which to extract the fonts.
# Must be HTTP due to limitations of httpfs2.
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
arial.ttf arialbd.ttf ariali.ttf arialbi.ttf # Arial
ariblk.ttf # Arial Black
bahnschrift.ttf # Bahnschrift
calibri.ttf calibrib.ttf calibrii.ttf calibriz.ttf # Calibri
calibril.ttf calibrili.ttf # Calibri Light
cambria.ttc cambriab.ttf cambriai.ttf cambriaz.ttf # Cambria
Candara.ttf Candarab.ttf Candarai.ttf Candaraz.ttf # Candara
Candaral.ttf Candarali.ttf # Candara Light
comic.ttf comicbd.ttf comici.ttf comicz.ttf # Comic Sans MS
consola.ttf consolab.ttf consolai.ttf consolaz.ttf # Consolas
constan.ttf constanb.ttf constani.ttf constanz.ttf # Constantia
cour.ttf courbd.ttf couri.ttf courbi.ttf # Courier New
corbel.ttf corbelb.ttf corbeli.ttf corbelz.ttf # Corbel
corbell.ttf corbelli.ttf # Corbel Light
framd.ttf framdit.ttf # Franklin Gothic Medium
Gabriola.ttf # Gabriola
georgia.ttf georgiab.ttf georgiai.ttf georgiaz.ttf # Georgia
#holomdl2.ttf # HoloLens MDL2 Assets
impact.ttf # Impact
Inkfree.ttf # Ink Free
lucon.ttf # Lucida Console
l_10646.ttf # Lucida Sans Unicode
marlett.ttf # Marlett
micross.ttf # Microsoft Sans Serifc
pala.ttf palab.ttf palai.ttf palabi.ttf # Palatino Linotype
segoepr.ttf segoeprb.ttf # Segoe Print
segoesc.ttf segoescb.ttf # Segoe Script
segmdl2.ttf # Segoe MDL2 Assets
segoeui.ttf segoeuib.ttf segoeuii.ttf segoeuiz.ttf # Segoe UI
seguibl.ttf seguibli.ttf # Segoe UI Black
seguiemj.ttf # Segoe UI Emoji
seguihis.ttf # Segoe UI Historic
segoeuil.ttf seguili.ttf # Segoe UI Light
seguisb.ttf seguisbi.ttf # Segoe UI Semibold
segoeuisl.ttf seguisli.ttf # Segoe UI Semilight
seguisym.ttf # Segoe UI Symbol
Sitka.ttc SitkaB.ttc SitkaI.ttc SitkaZ.ttc # Sitka
sylfaen.ttf # Sylfaen
symbol.ttf # Symbol
tahoma.ttf tahomabd.ttf # Tahoma
times.ttf timesbd.ttf timesi.ttf timesbi.ttf # Times New Roman
trebuc.ttf trebucbd.ttf trebucit.ttf trebucbi.ttf # Trebuchet MS
verdana.ttf verdanab.ttf verdanai.ttf verdanaz.ttf # Verdana
webdings.ttf # Webdings
wingding.ttf # Wingdings
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
msgothic.ttc # MS Gothic
YuGothR.ttc YuGothB.ttc # Yu Gothic
YuGothM.ttc # Yu Gothic Medium
YuGothL.ttc # Yu Gothic Light
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
malgun.ttf malgunbd.ttf # Malgun Gothic
malgunsl.ttf # Malgun Gothic Semilight
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
javatext.ttf # Javanese Text
himalaya.ttf # Microsoft Himalaya
ntailu.ttf ntailub.ttf # Microsoft New Tai Lue
phagspa.ttf phagspab.ttf # Microsoft PhagsPa
taile.ttf taileb.ttf # Microsoft Tai Le
msyi.ttf # Microsoft Yi Baiti
monbaiti.ttf # Mongolian Baiti
mmrtext.ttf mmrtextb.ttf # Myanmar Text
Nirmala.ttf NirmalaB.ttf # Nirmala UI
NirmalaS.ttf # Nirmala UI Semilight
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
LeelawUI.ttf LeelaUIb.ttf # Leelawadee UI
LeelUIsl.ttf # Leelawadee UI Semilight
_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn=( # Chinese (Simplified)
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
simsun.ttc # NSimSun
simsunb.ttf # SimSun-ExtB
msyh.ttc msyhbd.ttc # Microsoft YaHei
msyhl.ttc # Microsoft YaHei Light
_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw=( # Chinese (Traditional)
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
msjh.ttc msjhbd.ttc # Microsoft JhengHei
msjhl.ttc # Microsoft JhengHei Light
mingliub.ttc # MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
# Normal Bold Italic Bold+Italic # Full name #
ebrima.ttf ebrimabd.ttf # Ebrima
gadugi.ttf gadugib.ttf # Gadugi
mvboli.ttf # MV Boli
_totalSource=$(expr \
1 + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_japanese[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_korean[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_sea[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_thai[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw[@]} + \
${#_ttf_ms_win10_other[@]} + \
sha256sums=($(awk "BEGIN{for(c=0;c<${_totalSource};c++) printf \"SKIP\n\"}"))
prepare() {
echo "- Examininging locally available fonts"
for _font in \
${_ttf_ms_win10[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_japanese[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_korean[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_sea[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_thai[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw[@]} \
${_ttf_ms_win10_other[@]} \
; do
_allFiles+=( $_font )
[ ! -f $_font ] && _missingFonts+=( $_font )
allFiles+=( license.rtf )
if [ ${#_missingFonts[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "- Fonts are missing"
echo -ne "- Mount filesystems as a non-privileged user: "
touch test.mount
udisksctl loop-setup -r -f test.mount --no-user-interaction >/dev/null 2>&1 && _mount=true
rm test.mount
if [ $_mount ]; then
echo "allowed"
echo "- Downloading fonts directly"
mkdir -p mnt/http
echo " - Mounting HTTP file"
httpfs2 -c /dev/null "$_iso" mnt/http
echo " - Creating loop device"
_isoFile="mnt/http/$(echo "$_iso" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}')"
_loopDev=$(udisksctl loop-setup -r -f "${_isoFile}" --no-user-interaction | awk '{print $NF}')
echo " - Mounting loop device: $_loopDev"
_mountpoint=$(udisksctl mount -t udf -b "$_loopDev" --no-user-interaction | awk '{print $NF}')
echo " - Loop device mounted as ISO at: $_mountpoint"
echo " - Extracting files from online Windows installation image"
7z e "${_mountpoint}/sources/install.wim" \
echo " - Unmounting loop device $_loopDev as ISO at: $_mountpoint"
udisksctl unmount -b "$_loopDev" --no-user-interaction
echo " - Deleting loop device: $_loopDev"
udisksctl loop-delete -b "$_loopDev" --no-user-interaction
echo " - Unmounting HTTP file"
fusermount -uz mnt/http
rmdir -p mnt/http
echo "not allowed"
echo "- Preparing download of full ISO"
echo " - Checking free disk space required for download and extraction"
_freeDiskSpace=$(($(stat -f --format="%a*%S" .)))
_downloadSize=$(curl -sI "$_iso" | grep Content-Length | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r\n')
[ -z $_downloadSize ] && echo -ne "Unable to determine file size of:\n${_iso}\n" && exit 255
if [ $_requiredDiskSpace -gt $_freeDiskSpace ]; then
echo "Not enough free disk space"
echo "Needed: $((${_requiredDiskSpace}/1048576)) MiB"
echo "Available: $((${_freeDiskSpace/1048576)) MiB"
exit 255
echo " - Downloading ISO"
curl -JLO "$_iso"
echo " - Extracting Windows installation image"
7z x $(echo "$_iso" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}') sources/install.wim
echo " - Extracting files from local Windows installation image"
7z e sources/install.wim \
echo " - Cleaning up temporary files"
rm $(echo "$_iso" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}')
rm -rf sources
echo "- Verifying file integrity"
for _i in ${!_allFiles[@]}; do
echo -ne " - ${_allFiles[$_i]}: "
if [ ! -f ${_allFiles[$_i]} ]; then
echo "MISSING"
elif [ "${_sha256sums[$_i]}" == "SKIP" ]; then
echo "Skipped"
elif [ "${_sha256sums[$_i]}" == "$(sha256sum ${_allFiles[$_i]} | cut -d' ' -f1)" ]; then
echo "Pass"
echo "FAIL"
if [ $_fail ]; then
echo "One or more files fail the integrity check or are missing. Exiting."
exit 255
_package() {
conflicts+=(${pkgname/10/8} ttf-win7-fonts${pkgname##*10})
install -Dm644 $@ -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
install -Dm644 license.rtf -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 TrueType fonts'
provides+=(ttf-tahoma ttf-ms-fonts)
conflicts+=(ttf-tahoma ttf-ms-fonts)
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-japanese() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Japanese TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_japanese[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-korean() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Korean TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_korean[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-sea() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Southeast Asian TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_sea[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-thai() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Thai TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_thai[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-zh_cn() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Simplified Chinese TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_cn[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-zh_tw() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Traditional Chinese TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_zh_tw[@]}
package_ttf-ms-win10-auto-other() {
pkgdesc='Microsoft Windows 10 Other TrueType fonts'
_package ${_ttf_ms_win10_other[@]}
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
Reference in a new issue